Keith Lofstrom's Books
I read way too much. This page will mention books I like, and places
to buy them. If you don't approve of what I read, put up your own page.
I have a problem. I have lots of friends that write books.
I plan to get most of them up here eventually, but it will take a while.
Please don't feel slighted if your book isn't here yet.
MOSFET Modeling with SPICE by Daniel Foty.
CMOS by Jacob Baker.
"Rebel Code" by Glyn Moody.
"The Inmates are Running the Asylum" by Alan Cooper.
"Code" by Lawrence Lessig.
Science and Technology
"Longitude", "Galileo's Daughter" by Dava Sobel
Oliver Sacks, William Calvin.
Economics, Politics, Libertarian
"The Economics of Scientific Research" by Terence Kealey.
"Future Imperfect" by David Friedman (pre-pub currently on web)
"Price Theory" by David Friedman
Spirituality and Religion
Okay, you explain why the universe remains uniform!
"3:16" by Donald Knuth
"Religion in an Age of Science" by Ian Barbour
"Religion Explained" by Pascal Boyer
"God and Contemporary Science" by Philip Clayton
"The Fire in the Equations" by Kitty Ferguson
"Finding Darwin's God" by Kenneth Miller
"The Marriage of Sense and Soul" by Ken Wilber
General Fiction
Richard Powers
Science Fiction
Too much trilogy stuff. Tell the story and move on to something else!
Read lately
Robert Charles Wilson. Detailed books, no trilogies, alternate
near-present stuff with an "alternate spiritual" theme.
Connie Willis. "Passages" was excellent. Should have got the Hugo,
though Wilson's "Chronoliths" was neck-and-neck.Q
Classics and Obligatory Mention
Ken MacLeod. Libertarian/Anarchist/Marxist SF. Trilogies, though.
"Guns of the South" by Harry Turtledove. Newer stuff is bloated crap.
Robert Heinlein, E.E. Smith, L.Neil Smith, J.Neil Schulman, Spider Robinson,
Mystery Fiction
Earl Emerson
Philip Margolin
Older Robert Parker, John Grisham, Gregory McDonald (Fletch).
Books on Tape
Book Sales
Where to Buy
More later.
last revision January 29, 2003